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how to breastfeed

how to breastfeed

hey guys! welcome back to another episodeof nguyen's world. every mom has a different comfort level whenit comes to breastfeeding in public. for me, i was extremely nervous, and it took me sometime to build my confidence and get used to my new routine. if you're a breastfeedingmom, you know that breastfeeding in public is sometimes unavoidable. so today i'm goingto share with you my 5 tips to help you feel more confident about breastfeeding in public. tip #1 nurse right before your activities.(or as my husband likes to call it, pre-gaming) by doing this, you can maximize the amountof time you have while you're out and about, before your baby's next feeding. i usually nurse in the car when we get to our destination.

tip #2: feed your baby before she cries. payattention to your baby's feeding cues and anticipate when you think she'll be hungry.then offer your breast to her and see if she'll feed. you want to do this early enough toavoid waiting until your baby is screaming and crying, which will draw even attentionto you. a crying baby is more impatient and may result in a poor latch or fussiness whenfeeding. tip #3: find a spot where you and your babywill feel comfortable and relaxed. if you're in a restaurant, try sitting in a booth orsit at table that's facing away from people. if you're out shopping, you can nurse inthe fitting room. if you're at the park, you can breastfeed sitting on a bench. youwant to find a place where you can sit comfortably

with support for your back and that has lesstraffic, to avoid bringing attention to yourself. which brings me to my next tip, wear clothesthat you can easily nurse in. you don't even have to buy expensive nursing tops. youcan basically just wear anything that opens up in the front, like a button-down blouse or a top with a stretchy favorite is wearing a loose fitting t-shirt that you can just lift up.i usually wear a tank top underneath that just to cover my belly. and i saved the best for last. practice nursing in a baby carrier. once you have mastered this, you will findbreastfeeding in public much easier. we have the ergo baby carrier and after i learnedhow to breastfeed in it, i just felt so relieved

to know that i could breastfeed her anytimeshe needed to and i didn't have to worry about scooting off to some dark corner tofeed her. natalie loves being in the baby carrier and if she wants to breastfeed, ijust make a few adjustments and cover her head and people just think she's asleep.and i still have my hands free to do whatever i need to do and walk around at the same time!this tip has absolutely become a lifesaver for us. so i hope you found this video helpful. pleasegive this video a thumbs up if you did and don't forget to subscribe by clicking thelink right here. and let me know in the comments below if you have any tips for breastfeedingin public. thank you so much for watching

and i'll see you in the next video. bye!

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