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how to increase breast milk

how to increase breast milk

breastfeeding is a great way to build antibodiesin your child's immune system. i'm lauren roy for sugar hollow farm in phillipston,mass. breastfeeding had come out of fashion and now has come back in, it is a great waylike i said to build up the antibodies in your child's immune system, but sometimesit's hard having your milk come in. some things that you could do is use an oil made withfennel or anise and that seems to help some women bring in their milk. another thing thatyou can do is make sure that the child is latching on properly and that you're nursingat least twenty minutes on each side. if you're having trouble you can look on the computerfor your local la leche league. they're a great group of women that you can also probablyfind through your obstetrician that will help

you and support you while you're trying toget into the breastfeeding mode, which can sometimes be very daunting. they're greatat helping you learn to latch on and different support groups to help bring in your milkand they'll sit with you so you can become comfortable breastfeeding your child. anotherthing to remember is that it's really important to relax while you're breastfeeding becausethat can impede your milk coming in, and you will have more success if you sit back, relaxwith your baby and enjoy the moment. this is lauren roy for sugar hollow farm in phillipston,mass.

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