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how to store breast milk

how to store breast milk

hey guys! it's amy. welcome back to my channel. so i was lucky enough to stay at home with my daughter natalie and breastfeed for three months. i wish i could have stayed at home with herlonger, but some of us girls gotta get back to work and pay some bills! which means... pumping at work! so i had no clue on how i was gonna pump at work and i read all the different blogs and stuff but honestly... i kinda just wanted to watch someone do it so that i could see how it was done so i could figure out how i wanted to do it. so today, i'm gonna show you how i pump at work!

pumping can be a fairly time-consuming process. you'll be taking about 20 minutes of worktime several times a day so it's important to be able to pump andget back to work as quickly as possible make sure you check out my previousvideo "what's in pump bag!" for a supplies list of what i take with me each time i pump. before i went back to work, i madesure i talked to my employer beforehand about having a private space to pump. of course you'll need a table and a chair, but you'll also need an outlet to plug in your pump. the first thing i do is lay out a burp cloth on the table

and unpack all the things i will need: my hands free pumping bra a cooler bag where i keep my bottles and my pump parts i start by attaching the pump parts ontothe bottles and make sure they're tightly screwed on. this ensures a proper seal for optimal pumping. and then i can put on my pumping bra. i always make sure i wear a nursing bra and a top that i can easily unbutton or open up. you can also use a nursing cover if you feel like you need more coverage. then i clip my hair up to keep it out of the way because... nobody likes hair in their food! lol

and i carefully insert the pump flanges into the hands free pumping bra and makesure the flanges are centered over my nipples this is why this bra is so awesome because it holds up the pump parts for me. and then i insert the tubing into the breast pump connectors and plug in the other end of the tubing into the pump and turn on the dial tobegin pumping. and adjust the speed to my comfort level. the pump will start in the simulation phase. once i feel my milk starting to flow, i press the let down button, which starts the expression phase.

and i start the timer to pump for 20 minutes so to pass the time, i like to write inmy journal and think about my baby and document her milestones or i'll scroll through her pictures on my phone or maybe surf the net. so every once in a while, i massage mybreasts to try to get more milk out. this also helps if you have clogged ducts and can help stimulate a second let down. when i'm done, i just unplug the tubing and slowly remove the breast shields from the pumping bra and carefully place the bottleson top of the burp cloth

as i'm just unscrewing the breast shields, i also gently tap out any excess milk into the bottles... becauseevery drop counts! so i just combined the milk, and i like to turn the bottle to makesure i get all the little droplets on the sides. and then i label the milk so i knowexactly when i pumped it. so that's basically how i pump at work, inurse her in the morning around 6am and then my husband drops her off atdaycare and then i'm at work for about 8 hours. i pump three times a day starting at 9am, 12pm and thenagain at 2:30

for about 20 minutes per session. andthen i nurse her when i get home and then once again before bed. i hopeyou found this video helpful. let me know in the comments below if youlike seeing videos like this. thank you so much for watching! i'll see next video! bye!

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