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importance of breastfeeding

importance of breastfeeding

hi. now i'm going to talk about how whenyou're nursing a baby, you need to focus on your own teeth and your own gums. whenyou're nursing a baby, you tend to be pretty preoccupied, pretty tired, and you're probablytaking less good care of yourself than you did in the past. you might even start to skipdental cleanings or skip flossing or skip doing all the other things you need to do.meanwhile, nursing, as has been my experience, can really deplete your body of calcium andother nutrients. so you really do need to focus on your teeth and gums. many women getproblems with their gums such as gum recession, i've had this problem over the last fiveyears, during which time i've had a lot of babies and been nursing them. so make sureyou get enough calcium, try to drink milk

if you like milk, eat cheese if you like cheese,yogurt, chew tums. do whatever you need to get enough calcium. that's also just importantfor you as a woman going forward so that you don't develop osteoporosis. so get yourcalcium. and then make sure you do everything your dentist tells you to do. take the timeto brush your teeth, take the time to floss your teeth, and keep track of your gums andmake sure you get in to see the dentist when your baby is about six months old to makesure that your teeth and your gums are doing okay.

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