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manual breast pump

manual breast pump

hi. now i̢۪m going to talk about how youcan build up a nice supply of breast milk for yourself when you pump a little bit aftereach time you feed your baby. after you feed your baby, try pumping just for five minutesor so using my favorite easy expressions bra or bustier. when you do this, you might notfeel like you̢۪re getting a lot of milk for your baby. you might get something that lookslike this, which is about one ounce of milk. you might get just half an ounce from eachside. but guess what happens when you do this six times a day? at the end of the day, youhave this. a nice big bottle of milk. and this you can put in your freezer, so you̢۪llend up with this. so if you do this for one month, you will have 30 bags of frozen milk.if you do it for a month and a half, you̢۪ll

have 45 bags. if you̢۪re really serious aboutyour baby having breast milk, this is a great thing to do because it equalizes the amountof milk that each of your breasts is producing, it allows you to store up a lot of extra milk,and it really relieves your anxiety. because if you̢۪re out pumping and you don̢۪t getenough milk for the baby, you̢۪re not really going to worry about it because you̢۪re like"hey, i̢۪ve got 45 bags of milk in my freezer, i don̢۪t need to stress." so really considerdoing this. it does not take a lot of time in the moment, but it adds up to a lot.

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