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maternal benefits of breastfeeding

maternal benefits of breastfeeding

(gentle music) - [caitlyn low, rn-c] hi, i'm caitlyn, a nurseat kaiser permanente's maternal child care unit. and i'd like to congratulate you on the upcoming birth of your baby. if you are choosing to breastfeed, i hope this video will provideyou with great information as you begin your breastfeeding journey and return home with your baby.

breast milk offers manybenefits to you and your baby. providing breast milk willhelp protect your baby from illnesses such ascolds and respiratory, ear, and throat infections, and will decrease therisk of chronic conditions such as allergies, diabetes, and obesity. breastfeeding can decrease the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. mothers also experiencebenefits from breastfeeding,

such as lower rates ofbreast and ovarian cancer, less postpartum bleeding,and postpartum weight loss while breast milk is thebiological norm for babies, it will take some practice. your nurse will assist youand you will have access to a lactation consultantshould the need arise while you're in the hospital. let's discuss a few ways you can get your breastfeeding journeyoff to a good start.

as soon as it is safe to do so, your baby will be placeddirectly on your skin. you are encouraged tocontinue skin-to-skin contact as much as possible with your baby. skin-to-skin contact begins your bonding and breastfeeding journey,keeps your baby warm and calm, and stabilizes blood sugars. rooming in is when mom andbabies are kept together in the same room duringtheir hospital stay.

this allows mothers torecognize their baby's early feeding cues, such as opening eyes, licking, and moving hands to mouth. crying is a late sign of hunger. feeding at the first sign of hunger will allow the feedingto go more smoothly. your nurse and lactation consultant will ask to observe feedings. this will give them the opportunity

to look for signs of effective feeding. we can offer suggestionsto position your baby in ways that keep both you andyour baby more comfortable. optimal positioning ensures your baby is getting enough milk. the american academy ofpediatrics recommends exclusive breast milk feeding for the first six months of life. offering your baby anythingelse, such as formula,

sugar water, or milk canlead to increased illness, decrease your baby's desire to breastfeed, and lower your overall milk supply. upon discharge from thehospital you will have an appointment scheduledwithin three to five days with the kaiser permanentemother baby program. you may also call themwith additional questions or schedule follow upappointments as needed. we at kaiser permanente arehere to partner with you

in your breastfeeding journey. and again, congratulations on your upcoming birth of your baby.

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