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milk breast

milk breast

a vending machine toy capsule wall and charlie sheen mask vsauce, kevin here. this is mind know mario kart's rainbow road?well, here's the rainbow walk way. it's a 52 metre panorama located on theroof of a building in denmark and visitors can walk so that's what life as a hula hoop looks like. well, alright. and here's what thetallest lego building looks like.

children in brazil pieced together500,000 legos and then a guy on a crane stacked themover 102 feet.the reactable's an electronic musical instrument with a tangible userinterface. by placing blocks on the table and interfacing with the visual display, a virtual modular synthesizer is operated and, okay, just check this out. okay, now which one of these things is a robot? and time's up.

now, beer bot. exploders guns arekind of like a paintball gun mixed with a water gun. they use amocalled "h2 grow exploders" that can shoot up to 85 feet. these dairycows in china have been genetically modified to produce human breast milk. sun explosion. hey, you kids want some wet ice cream? this amphibious ice cream van, the first of its kind, floats aroundlondon and makes about as much sense as trombone flame thrower. this flame bone is made up from plumbing, torch

and compressed air parts and shoots a 21 foot fireball.which maybe the armor sleeve can stop. equipped with a high-voltage stutter,video camera and flash light. a pull pane preps the stutterand a button on the palm activates it. it's encased with a hard shell and,oh, there's kevin costner. finally, here's the zelda theme brought to you by the tesla orchestra. i'm gonna leave you with a riddle. "the ages of a father and son add up to 66.

"the father's age is the son's age reversed. "how old could they be?"there are three possible answers/ the first person to get all 3 answersright and name the anime reference in this video will be our genius of the good luck. and as always, thanks for watching.

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