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mom nurse

mom nurse

so, a lot of people have been asking me "how do you wear your baby and breastfeed your baby in the moby at the same time?" so i'm going to show you two techniques that i like. one is: i take the baby out but i don't have to rewrap. i just slide the baby into a slightly different position but with the same wrap. um, and then the second way is: i keep the baby where she is and i just gently loosen the wrap and tug a little bit and then position her on the breast. so i'll show you the first way where the child is safely in the wrap, in the hug hold.

and i'll take her out. but i don't have to rewrap the wrap. so i pull her out. and i'm going to have her feed on my left breast. which means i'm going to take this panel and slide both feet in. this is different. i'm going to slide both feet in. usually, when you do the hug hold, you just slide one foot in. but i'm going to slide both feet in.

and open up the wrap. slide her in. hi sweetie! now she could slip through so you have you have to be very, very careful. and i suggest pulling all the way up like this. i know! you're hungry! you're hungry! then what i would suggest is taking the seat belt. that's the panel with, with the, um tag on it. and this is when you really make her secure.

and you're going to put it between her legs. hi! hi! yeah! between her legs. then you take the tag and you pull up over her bum. and over her shoulder. there we go! now we're secure! and then you have a hand free.

all you have to do is lean forward gently. of course, support her neck. slide her over just a little, little, little! get her positioned so that she can reach the breast. now, if you want modesty, i would suggest putting the ta-- putting the uh panel this way then you can latch. get her to latch on. come here.

there, there. then you have more privacy this way. you can also pull if the baby is willing, you can also pull this all the way up over and give you a little bit more privacy that way too. there. there you go!

that way you can feed in public comfortably. so again, her legs are supported she's not going to slip through because we have the seat belt on she's got this panel up over her head but you can see her face the whole time. oh sweetie! josephine! we've got twins!

and the other one's sad. don't worry! it's okay, sweetie! but this is breastfeeding in the wrap. um, and this way, i didn't have to re uh, position the wrap at all i just took baby slightly out. put her back in with a new hold. now, let's say you've got the baby in and you don't want to take her out

and you don't want to have to adjust a whole lot. so i'll show you that one as well. are you willing to show them that one too? yeah, let's show them that one too. okay? you're being so good! so again, to get out of this, you pull the seat belt down. pull this down and you lift up and out. okay?

hi! i know, josephine! it will be your turn soon! alright. i'm going to put her back in. like she would normally go in. hey, you want to say "hi"? this is panel number one. and i let the baby come down into the wrap.

i hold onto her leg. lean back slightly. and i pull panel number two up around her leg. yes! yes. up around her back. and i pull the fabric open from knee to knee. i know, i know.

now i put the seat belt on. now she's secure in the wrap. and let's say you want to feed in the wrap but you don't want to have to take her out and put her back in. is there a way to feed in this position? there is. she's a little bit high to feed right now so what i would suggest is pulling the seat belt up a little bit. taking the "x"

and really tightening it around your tummy. and what this does is it creates some slack and it lets her sit lower. then i would slide to the opposite breast. yes, yes, yes! and then i would take this panel. it's okay! and that should let her...

do you want to feed now? there you go? and that's a way that you can be breastfeeding in the wrap and walking around. again, it takes, it takes a little bit of time, and a little bit of um, practice to get familiar with this. but it's, it's worth, worth the time and energy to go through the learning curve. anything to have at least to have one hand free while nursing

can be really, really convenient. now, let's say your baby's done. i know, sweetie! you're probably not done, because you just started. but this is how you get out of it. 'cause it looks kind of intimidating. but all you simply do... do you want to come back out? i know, sweetie! i know!

and re-adjust and really try to recenter the "x," which is her seat. and then you pull the seat belt down over her bum and tuck her in nice and secure. let's say she has eaten and she's ready to go to sleep. hi! kiss, kiss, kiss. hmm, hmmm.

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