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not breastfeeding

not breastfeeding

donald trump is getting suedon one of his many real estate projects, and the woman acrossfrom him, who is an attorney, apparently asked ahead of time,and they said it was okay, so when it came time to it shesaid, hey, i am going to go outside to another room and usea breast pump to get milk for my infant child, right? and thelawyers agreed to this, perfectly normal. just taking abreak, that is all they are doing. she happens to be doingthat, and it takes a little while so she wanted to makesure, she was polite and asked

permission from the other side,and she already got it. and when she brings it up to take a break,donald trump apparently tells her, you are disgusting. why isit disgusting to get milk for your child?and what business is it of yours? he did not return thatday to the deposition. nobody denies the story, trump is notdenying the story. what happened back then, i want you to knowwhat the case was about, because that is more important. the twocases dealt with a dispute were trump was accused of misleadinghomebuyers about his role as a

developer for two real estateprojects, when he was actually licensing the trump brand only.i give you that quote from mediaite, because trump does notactually build anything. i am trump, trump means rich. andsome jackasses pay him a lot of money to put the word -- thename trump on the building. they build the building, they takethe risk, they do either things that are right and lead tosuccess or things that are wrong and they get sued, so when theyget sued people naturally assume trump, and trump comes and says,no, you don't understand, i

don't build anything. the entirething is a mirage, it is all fake. they paid me a lot ofmoney for my name, that is it. i am not responsible. so thiswhole "i am a genius businessman," no, when he actually ranbusinesses, four bankruptcies. not personal bankruptcies, no,you will never let them touch donald's money. but he wouldtake your money as a shareholder or investor and drive you intobankruptcy, and then he realized i suck at business, but i amgood at marketing, yelling, i am a showman. so i will go and yelland go, trump, everybody!

trump over here, who wants tocome to the carnival, look inside the tent, see trump! andthey put trump in the tent and every once in a while he getssued and says not me, everyone, i don't do shit. so good luck toyou. you know what he did in this case? to add insult toinjury? because they had all lost their deposit on this scam,and that is why they were suing, so he says to the attorney,congratulate your clients, saying they were very lucky thatthe project failed before the 2008 recession. in other words,we didn't rob them of all their

money. if it had hit after therecession, not just the deposit, they would've put in more moneyand they all would've gone under with the big trump name all overit. consider yourself lucky that you only lost a little bit ofmoney when you are dealing with donald trump. usually you lose alot of money when you decide to invest in anything i am are very lucky indeed. so when asked about this, what doesdonald trump say? of course he doubled down. he calls theattorney disgraceful. he doesn't say she is disgraceful becauseshe lied, he says elizabeth beck

is disgraceful for bringing itup and, what, breast-feeding at the time? he says by the way,she is also a terrible attorney. these are all direct quotes. youhave more, donald? of course. she is a vicious, horribleperson. she is a vicious, horrible person because she hasto breast-feed? and he is not the bad guy? but they say, hey,donald, it seems like you blew up on her, and you are doing itagain with the disgraceful and this is an horrible -- he saysno, i don't blow up. okay, that explains it. i didn't know that,thanks for clarifying. the

only thing i am shocked about isthat he did not add dummy, loser, baby. well, baby was partof the problem, i am surprised he didn't attack the baby. i amtelling you, this guy is will ferrell from the movie thecandidate. do you remember how will ferrell punches a baby? wewere joking around about whether donald trump was going to dothat too. almost there, man.

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