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pregnant breastfeeding

pregnant breastfeeding

i̢۪m breastfeeding my baby now. but can iget pregnant while nursing? your body shuts down ovulation when you arefeeding one baby, so that the pregnancy doesn̢۪t take nutrients from the child you̢۪re currentlynursing. so i can̢۪t get pregnant. actually, that depends on how heavily youare nursing. if you nurse exclusively, you probably can̢۪t get pregnant. the baby isn̢۪t drinking any formula, thoughhe occasionally tries to drink from a sippy cup. because the baby is eating solid food, milkbecomes a supplement. then your body starts

gearing up to make the next baby. my period hasn̢۪t started back up. you can get pregnant with that first ovulation,before your period arrives. could i already be pregnant? some women who get pregnant while nursingpart time realize something is wrong because the pregnancy makes the milk stop. what happens then? a lot of women send urine samples for a pregnancytest in stage one baby food jars. oh, gross! why would anyone do that?

it̢۪s just a matter of using what is at could just get an over the counter pregnancy test, too. there are cultures that use nursing as contraceptionfor up to two years. and most of those cultures have a taboo ofhaving sex with a nursing mother. could i get pregnant now? it depends on how heavily you are nursing.if you are supplementing with bottles of juice and formula now, even before she starts solids,you could get pregnant. i don̢۪t want two babies in diapers at thesame time. the greater risk is two pregnancies too closetogether, because this increases the risk

of the second baby being premature. what if i̢۪m pregnant now? stock up on diapers? or plan on an iud insteadof nursing for contraception so you don̢۪t get surprised by a third baby.

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