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pregnant while breastfeeding

pregnant while breastfeeding

is intermittent fasting safe while pregnant? no, you shouldn̢۪t fast while pregnant. it improves my metabolism. no matter how much you want to lose the babyweight, you shouldn̢۪t try to lose the weight before you have the baby. you̢۪re rather set on that. regardless of the health benefits of occasionalfasting, you shouldn̢۪t do it while pregnant. fasting can cause dehydration, malnutritionand drops in blood sugar that aren̢۪t good. so it could worsen the light headedness thatpregnancy already causes. what if i was drinking

water while fasting? that prevents dehydration. however, you needto be eating every day. is fasting one day ok? in islam, they say pregnant women are exemptfrom fasting during ramadan. fasting during pregnancy raises the risk of prematurity andhealth problems for the baby. i̢۪ve heard of health benefits of caloricrestriction. intermittent fasting does something similar, without the same depravation. if a baby doesn̢۪t get enough protein, saltor micronutrients while in the womb, the brain won̢۪t develop properly. the mental retardationcould range from minor to severe, all because

you can̢۪t wait. i have all kinds of cravings, and it is drivingme crazy. indulge in healthy versions of your cravings,like yogurt with chocolate chips instead of a gallon of chocolate chip ice cream. thoughpickles are pretty much unlimited, because they have no calories. what made you think of those two examples? i saw a billboard for a pickles and ice creammaternity shop on the highway. i assumed that was because they are the most common cravings. i suppose it is safer than a beer craving.what do you think of every other day feeding?

starving yourself one day increases the oddsyou̢۪ll binge the next. extremes are unhealthy, and they are downright dangerous if pregnant. then what do i do about the weight gain? get on a healthy, daily diet and get overyour fasting obsession. if you can̢۪t live without it, just wait until the baby is born. then i can go back to the diet, unless i̢۪mbreastfeeding. try a normal diet plus breast feeding to loseweight. it̢۪s healthier than fasting anyway.

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