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public breastfeeding

public breastfeeding

hi in this clip i'm going to show you howto breast feed in public with a nursing shawl. now when you're out in public and there'speople around and you want to be discreet while you're nursing the nursing shawl isa great option. the first thing you want to do is find a comfortable place to sit andyour back supported. make sure the baby's alignment; the ear, the shoulder, and thehip and then you're going to get out your nursing privacy prop. the shawl that i'm usingtoday is called the love baby shawl. this one is really nice because of the nice wideneck and really nicely wide open so you can see your baby while you are nursing. so you'rejust going to go ahead and put this over your head and you're going to cover up your babywith it and cover up your breasts. and see

this nice wide opening so you can see rightdown and see what you're doing. so you're going to hold it open, release your nursingbra, position the baby properly. latch the baby on and you're doing this all under theshawl and nobody can see what is happening. and then you can just watch your baby whilethey're feeding on this side. after the baby's done nursing on the first side you can putyour bob back into place, put your shirt back. take the baby out, give a quick burp and thenyou'll nurse on the other side doing the same thing. so you hold the baby, put the nursingshawl over his or her head, take your bra down underneath, latch the baby on and thenyou're free to nurse. and if you're eating at a restaurant you can go ahead and eat yourmeal or just sit and watch your baby nurse

until they're done. when the baby's done onthis side you can also see the baby and still be covered up. when they're done you can justtake them off, put your bra back in place all under the nursing shawl, give anotherquick burp. and once the baby's done eating you can just take your nursing shawl rightoff. it folds up really you can just roll it right up and it comes in a little pouch.i just like putting it directly into the diaper bag and then you're off.

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