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symphony breast pump

symphony breast pump

(upbeat music) - in this video, i'll walk you through what happens after you unpack your pump. so this is when you're readyto go ahead and assemble the pieces and start pumping. so what you'll do, you'll take your flange, and we also call this a breast shield assembly, make sure that the valve is on.

this is what creates thesuction at your breast tissue. so just make sure that's on. and then you'll connectyour flange to the bottle, just by screwing it on. and then when you'reready to attach the puck to the locking ring, whichis located on the pump deck, you'll wanna be sure to line up the tubing with this groove that'sjust towards the front of the pump on the locking ring.

you'll press down, andyou'll turn clockwise. to turn the pump on, you will press the power buttonand hold for two seconds. the pump starts in stem mode, which is just thehigh-frequency mode to help you let down and initiate thatletdown in breast milk. it's programmed for 120 seconds, but you can customize that in the app. so just go ahead and kindafeel what is right for you.

it will automatically go into flow mode, or you can go ahead and do that manually by pressing the mode button, which is just this flickering droplet. and now we're in flow mode, which is just strongersuction and slower frequency. the pump has 10 different levels, and you can adjust the level and increase the suction strength just bygoing around the pinwheel.

or if you wanna decrease, youcan go back the other way. if you are interrupted and youneed to pause your session, all you have to do is pressthe power button once, and it will go intokind of a standby mode. when you're ready to go back, you'll click it again and it'llpick up where you left off. one important thing to remember, once you have assembledyour breast shield assembly and you're ready to go aheadand attach it to your breast,

you have to make sure that the flange body and this silicone piece inhere, it's called bellows, make sure that your nipple is centered and that you have a really good seal against your breast.

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