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tips for breastfeeding

tips for breastfeeding

you mastered eating for two but whatshould you do now that you're breastfeeding? your nutrition isimportant and affects your baby. mothers who are breastfeeding should consumeapproximately 400 to 500 extra calories a day. that's about one slice of wholewheat toast with peanut butter, a small yogurt, and a banana. choose foods thatcontain vitamins a, b & d, healthy fatty acids, and iodine. these can be found infoods like whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and protein-rich foods like eggs,beans, lean meat and dairy. seafood like salmon is a good choice, but youshouldn't have more than three servings of fatty fish per week.

drink healthy, too, like a glass of water every time you nurse to stay hydrated and avoid the empty calories of sugary sodasand fruit drinks. ask your doctor about vitamins. she may recommend takingprenatal vitamins or other supplements that can help support your nutritionalneeds while breastfeeding. remember, eating healthy while breastfeeding isn'tjust good for you but for baby, too.

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