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ways to increase milk supply

ways to increase milk supply

a common concern among mom's is that theyare worried that their milk supply is dropping. if that is true the first thing that you wantto find out is why is that happening? so that we can rectify it. then once we have donethat, we look at helping mom increase her supply. the first and foremost important thingis increasing breast stimulation. so if you have a good nursing baby, we want mom's toincrease their times at breast as much as she can throughout day and night. if the babyis a so-so nursers we will have the moms again attempt to nurse as much as possible but weare going to follow it up with some pumping. so that the breast get some added stimulation.the next thing to help moms with is rest. it is really hard for new mom's. so if shecan incorporate family and friends to help

her with housework and cooking so that shecan do more naps, lie down next to her baby, increase her nursing time it is helpful. thirdof all is food all food is not nearly as important as we once thought. although mothers needto be nourished with healthy food, but eating lots and lots and lots of food is not goingto increase milk supply by itself. lastly lots of people have read that water is reallyimportant to increase milk supply. mothers need water but they should just drink forthirst instead if you over hydrate you can actually decrease milk supply, just drinkfor thirst.

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