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weaning from breastfeeding

weaning from breastfeeding

hey it's amy and natalie and we'rehere for her twelve month baby update natalie turn one on august 5th and wehad a big birthday party for her and she had a smash cake and she was kind ofplaying with it at first and she didn't know what to do and then she just likesmeared it all over her face when she realized how good it tastes. as far aswalking she actually just started walking in the past like she justwalking yesterday and she was taking like two or three steps by herself and youknow very wobbly but then all of a sudden yesterday within a five hourtime span she took like five, six steps we were just so amazed so she is definitely gettingthere and she's walking more like a

drunk person. she's been super whinythese past few days and i'm not sure why but i think its just her way of tellingus i don't like that or please pick me up or whatever and she's beensuper clingy towards me like she only wants me topick her up and sometimes daddy has to hide while holding herso that i can get things done but i don't know i think it's just part of it.if any of you moms also have a baby that super whiny or clingy at this stage let me know if you have any tips or anyreasons why your baby might be acting this way. so as far as talking she says simple words right now mama, dadda

and she says, uh oh! and she says baba for grandma. and she signs more than anything she is eating regular table food andbaby led weaning is going very well someday she's better than others you know someday she will reject prettymuch everything we give her and so we just resort her favorite food which isbroccoli. ok so as far as sleep she for the longest time is she was waking up inthe middle of the night probably once or twice and dennis and i will come in there oneof us will come in there and tried to comfort her i would try to rock her backto sleep and i would most of the time

actually i was going there and breastfeed her back to sleep. sleep at her bedtime at 7:30/8o'clock. for the longest time dennis and i we weren't comfortable with trying cry itout and after her first birthday i've relaxed a little bit andyou know when she was less than a year old i i didn't feel comfortable aboutthat like i felt like she needed me at night and you know based on our pediatrician'srecommendation i was like alright let's try it out so the first night she criedit out for one hour and that hour was i mean it just did not seem like she wasgoing to fall back asleep but i mean surprisingly at the end of that hour shelike literally asleep and

her eyes were closed and she was holding onto the rail and she fell asleep and she slept that night after that and thenafter that i think she woke up and she cried for like 15 minutes butthen since then and it's been like a week now more than a week it's been likea week and i guess two days and she's literally slept the whole night and tome that's like amazing like i mean that's definite progress because forprobably more than five months she's been waking maybe twice a night so idon't know does cry out work? so far it has but i mean the first nights are hard but after that it's like i mean she seems happier and literally like twonights ago she slept 12 hours. the

biggest news we have is that we've beenbreastfeeding for one whole year and that is something that i am just soproud of and you know i'm so proud of her as well for letting me breastfeedher and when i was pregnant i didn't know what to expect as far as how longi was gonna breast feed but now that we are here i'm just so happy and you knowwe're just planning on letting her wean herself off. i don't know when that willbe if it's going to be two years that'sfine too so if you guys want me to make a separate video on the details as far as how oten she was breastfeeding or

what our breastfeedingrelationship is like now, let me know in the comments below. i'm still weaning off the pump at work. i pump one time at work, i'm just so proud of her and i'm so happy that we'vecome this far. so that is all we have today i hope you guys enjoy this videoand i'll see you guys next time. bye!

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