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what are the benefits of breastfeeding

what are the benefits of breastfeeding

breastfeeding is known to provide a wide rangeof potential health benefits for babies. but what about for moms? i'm shelby cullinan withyour latest health news. a new study found that women with gestationaldiabetes (gd) who consistently breastfed their babies for several months after giving birthwere half as likely to develop type 2 diabetes within two years as women who didn't is a type of diabetes that only develops during pregnancy, usually around the 24thweek. according to the american diabetes association, women with a history of gd are more than 7times as likely to develop type 2 diabetes as women without. in this study, about 12percent of these women developed type 2 diabetes within two years. however, the women who exclusivelyformula-fed their babies at age 6 to 9 weeks

were more than twice as likely to developtype 2 diabetes than women who exclusively breastfed. the women who exclusively breastfedtheir babies for longer also saw a greater reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

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