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who breastfeeding

who breastfeeding

- so all i'm saying isi think i need to pump the hood on this thing. amp it up a little bit,get some torque in there, see if i can't get a little extra oomph! - with me, i like to feel thepower between my knuckles. you know, know that i'm putting in the proper effort for my baby. - 'sup dude. - what's up, man?

- super swanky feeding room, so nice. - [both] got the game on. [both] oh-ho! - ooh, now baby, my nipplesare sensitive, baby. well hey, hey, there's stillplenty other thing we can do. - can i get the dark [mumbles]. great, thanks. pump these things, oh! crank it!

ah, thanks, bruh, thanks, i ... - i'm gonna whoop your ass in the game, but i'm also gonna whoop you at pumping. 'cause you busted ass adidas shoes, right, 'cause you got there. this (bleep) right hereare the new jordans. - man, how you lose so much weight? - breastfeeding, man. - gotta get a kid.

- i just like to recognize damien. if we can all give hima round of applause. you can do it all. - thank you, guys, thank you. we do it together. - yo, what up, c? - yo, what up, dog? - hey look, got the lactationcookies at the corner store. - (laughs) that's what is up.

lactation beer. - lactation beer! oh man, what! - i'm leaking. am i leaking? i'm leaking, right? - ah, yeah. - i'm leaking a little bit. - hold on, i got somenursing pads, hold on. - yeah, let's get that.

i hate this. god, my boobs are sensitive. - oooh, ow, watch it, dude! i'm engorged, man! - i guarantee, i'vepumped more milk than you. - i've got a wholerefrigerator door full of milk. - i've filled a bathtubwith my supply once. - dude, i bet you, i can hitthat leaf o'grass over here. - i bet i can hit theneighbor's wind chime.

- yo, i got this. - let's do it. - end of the driveway, you feel me? - word. - okay, ready? (quick exhales) oooooh! - that's not bad, but watchthis, though. (exhales) (shouting indistinctly) - oh damn!

- whoooo! - that's what's up! - i'm on fire! - alright! - on fire, son! this is a manual pump. what's the first syllable of manual? man.

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